
  1. The parent and or guardian agreement constitutes the following with Trinidad Renaissance School (TRS) referred to as the School.

  2. In accordance with the school’s Philosophy, it is required that at least one parent or an officially appointed guardian be a full-time resident in Trinidad and Tobago.

  3. The parent and student will abide by the school’s established policies and procedures.

  4. The parent understands that classes take field trips to take advantage of the cultural and environmental resources of Trinidad and Tobago, as part of the regular educational program. All school trips will be supervised by staff members and/or other responsible adults who will exercise all reasonable caution. However, the parent agrees that the school and/or the School Board cannot accept any liability for accidents either en route, or at the activity or outing itself.

  5. The parent understands and agrees that individual academic and/or diagnostic testing may be administered as necessary to the child. Parents will be notified of such testing.

  6. Unless you request otherwise in writing, your child’s name, grade, home telephone number, and email address will be printed in the school directory and class register.

  7. The parent understands that student bags in classes Years 5, 6, and 7 are subject to mandatory random inspections.

  8. The parent grants permission to the School to obtain emergency medical treatment for their child in the event that the parent cannot be contacted.

  9. The parent grants permission to use the applicant’s picture in print or digital promotions for the School.

  10. The parent has provided information without omission or falsification and has provided all supporting documents to complete the application.

  11. The parent grants the School permission to send emails to them containing regular school updates and announcements.

  12. I grant permission for the exchange of school records and any confidential information between Trinidad Renaissance School and the Ministry of Education Trinidad and Tobago.

  13. I/We have reviewed the application and to the best of my/our knowledge, the information being submitted is true and complete. I/We request that the name of our child be registered as a prospective pupil. A cheque/cash made payable to the Trinidad Renaissance School for the non-returnable registration fee of $200.00 will be made to the school. We understand that the standard terms and conditions of the school will undergo reasonable changes from time to time as circumstances require and will apply in all our dealings with the school. I/we declare under penalty of perjury I/we are the parents or legal guardians of the named child.